August 2016
I love this blog! This time last year I was enjoying my very eventful summer just after my graduation. It was one of the happiest times in my life. Moving to Berlin wasn’t hard. Making a living here was. Incredibly. No more scholarship, tragic job market situation, almost no contacts. Among all of this there was no time for blogging. Plus I was generally tired of the fashion blogging life having constant dilemmas about consuming too much, adhering to gender stereotypes and supporting capitalist/patriarchal power structures versus expressing myself with clothing. I put it on hold not knowing whether I will go back to it one day.
My overall situation here in Berlin stabilized and I realized what I was missing – a creative passion project, somewhere I can ‘do my own thing’, doing it and only it one day, possibly. You see, I work as a social media manager for a startup, Conflictfood, which is a really amazing project, but isn’t enough to satisfy my creative yearning. I go to an intensive German class every day for 4 hours. It’s fun, I learn a lot, but still, it’s not enough. I meet friends, I go to amazing events, parties, exhibitions… Berlin is wonderful! But not enough.
In December I’ve started teaching myself how to sew. It began innocently enough, just experimenting, learning from books and YouTube, sewing clothes for my boyfriend (who has to wear them, cause they’re from me – naaaah, he likes them ;)) and my friends. But now it grew into a passion and I’m wondering why I didn’t start sooner. Thus, I realized that I’m finally able to solve my dilemmas and reconcile the ever on-going conflict between my sustainability values and my love of fashion. Re-purposing blankets and curtains from flea markets I’m having a creative high which lasts for hours and I still go to bed thinking about new patterns and designs. Far from professional and with no commercial intent (at this moment), I’m very happy to have decided to showcase my designs here on my blog.
As I said, adding blogging to my to do list made me realize that I might have just forced myself suddenly to wish for days to have 40 hours instead of 24. The migration from blogger to WordPress has been hectic and challenging (yes, I’m customizing all of this web myself), but I had support from some wonderful people – thanks, Seckin and Doguhan! And of course, Karli for kick-starting my new photo-bank. Unfortunately, the formatting of my old content is a bit messed up, but functioning and original picture size a bit too small for my liking. There is over 400 posts on my blog and I couldn’t fix them all. My apologies.
I’m back
I love this blog! This time last year I was enjoying my very eventful summer just after my graduation. It was one of the happiest times in my life. Moving to Berlin wasn’t hard. Making a living here was. Incredibly. No more scholarship, tragic job market situation, no friends. Amongst all of this there was no time for blogging. Plus I was generally tired of the fashion blogging life having constant dilemmas about consuming too much versus expressing myself with clothing. I put it on hold not knowing whether I will go back to it one day.
My overall situation here in Berlin stabilized and I realized what I was missing – a creative passion project, somewhere I can ‘do my own thing’, doing it and only it one day, possibly. You see, I work as a social media manager for a startup, Conflicfood, which is a really amazing project, but isn’t enough to satisfy my creative yearning. I go to an intensive German class every day for 4 hours. It’s fun, I learn a lot, but still, it’s not enough. I meet friends, I go to amazing events, parties, exhibitions… Berlin is wonderful! But not enough.
What to expect
In December I’ve started teaching myself how to sew. It began innocently enough, just experimenting, learning from books and youtube, sewing clothes for my boyfriend (who has to wear them, cause they’re from me – naaaah, he likes them ;)) and my friends. But now it grew into a passion and I’m wondering how I didn’t start sooner. Thus, I realized that I’m finally able to solve my dilemmas and reconcile the ever on-going conflict between my sustainability values and my love of fashion. Repurposing blankets and curtains from fleamarkets I’m having a creative high which lasts for hours and I still go to bed thinking about new patterns and designs. Far from professional and with no commercial intent (at this moment), I’m very happy to have decided to showcase my designs here on my blog.
As I said, adding blogging to my to do list made me realize that I might have just forced myself suddenly to wish for days to have 40 hours instead of 24. The migration from blogger to Wordpress has been hectic and challenging (yes, I’m customizing all of the web myself), but I had support from some wonderful people – thanks, Seckin and Doguhan! And of course, Karli for kick-starting my new photo-bank. Unfortunately, the formatting of my old content is a bit messed up, but functioning and original picture size a bit too small for my liking. There is over 400 posts on my blog and I couldn’t fix them all. My apologies.
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Jsem rada, ze jsi zpet a ze se ti dari dobre (aspon to tak zni:) x
Dakujem! 🙂 Ano, mam sa busy ale dobre!
A ty dufam tiez! 🙂
This is very touching! I’m glad you found something new to be passionate about :)))
Thank you!!! 🙂